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Badminton Rules
-Games are played between individuals or pairs.
-The serving team is the in side; the receiving team is out.
-Players spin a racquet to determine who gets serve or side.
-Games are played to 21 points.
-Service is made from within the serving player's court.
-The shuttle must be hit underhand into the service court diagonally opposite the server.
-Any shuttle hitting the line is in bounds.
-In singles, the shuttle must land in the long, narrow court. In doubles, it must land in the short, wide court.
-In doubles, once the serve has been returned, the full court is used.
-The server is only permitted one attempt to put the shuttle into play.
-The shuttle may hit the net and land in the proper court.
-In singles, the serve is made from the right side of the court when the server's score is an even number.
-In doubles, the first serve is always started from the right court whenever a team acquires the serve from its opponents.
-The server will alternate service courts each time a point is made until the serve is lost.
-All returns must be made before the shuttle hits the ground.
-The server must call the score after each point.
-Players must change sides of the court after each game.

Faults and Lets
-A fault is any error that ends play, whether occurring during the serve or the rally.  A fault committed by the serving side gives the serve to the opponent. A fault committed by the receiving side gives the point to the server.

Service Faults
-The shuttle does not cross the net.
-The shuttle lands in the wrong court.
-The shuttle is no hit on its base.
-The shuttle is above the server's waist when hit.
-The shuttle is hit in an overhand motion.
-The server is outside the service court.
-The server has a foot or feet off the ground.
-The server steps on a line during the serve.
-The server misses the shuttle while serving.

Receiving Faults
-The receiving player is not standing in the correct service court.
-The receiving player moves before the serve is made.

Faults that Can be Committed During Rallies
-The shuttle touches the ground inbounds.
-The opposition does not return the shuttle.
-The shuttle falls outside the playing court.
-A player blocks the opponent's play.
-A player and/ or partner hits the shuttle more than once before returning it over the net.
-A player touches the net with his or her body or racquet.
-A player reaches over the net to play the shuttle.
-A shuttle hits a player.

A Let occurs when a point does not count and must be replayed.
A let occurs when:
-Serves are taken out of turn.
-Serves are taken before the receiver is ready.

Rallies are won after:
-Serving from the wrong court.
-Faults occur simultaneously by both sides.
-The shuttle becomes stuck in the net after crossing.


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Peru Elementary District 124 1800 Church Street Peru, IL  61354

Phone: 815-223-1111 FAX: 815-223-0490

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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